

FCL型弹性联轴器符合日本国标JI1452,以其结构简单,安装方便,尺寸小,重量轻,免维护,品质,在日本和世界上其它   中   客户的广泛使用和赞赏。 ...

FCL型弹性联轴器符合日本国标JI1452,以其结构简单,安装方便,尺寸小,重量轻,免维护,品质,在日本和世界上其它   中   客户的广泛使用和赞赏。 FCL型弹性联轴器的特点:吸振性好,可使主动轴的运动平稳地传给被动轴。传动中无轴向推力。拆装方便,只要卸下联轴器螺栓,即可分离主动与被动之间的联结。 如若安装调整后能保持两轴相对位移量在规定的范围内,则联轴器会有满意的使用性能和较长的工作寿命。因此能广泛用于载荷不大,由电动机驱动的各种中、小功率传动轴系中,如减速机、变速器、泵、印染机、卷扬机、起重机、压缩机、输送机、纺织机、卷扬机、球磨机等。

其它同类联轴器产品有: HLL型-带制动轮弹性柱销联轴器|HL型-弹性柱销联轴器|ZL型弹性柱销齿式联轴器|ZLD型圆锥形轴孔弹性柱销齿式联轴|ZLL型-带制动轮弹性柱销齿式联轴

径向位移:0.2~0.6mm 角位移:0°30′~1°30′ Summary 
Flexible Couplings Model FCLis widely used for its compact designing,easy installation,convenient maintenance,small size and light weight.As long as the relative displacement between shafts is kept within the specified tolerance,B couplings will operate the best function and have a longer working life.Thus it is greatly demanded in medium and minor power transmission systems driven by moters,such as speed reducers,hoists,compressos,conveyers,spinning and weaving machines and ball mills. 
Permittable relative displacement: 
Radial displacement:0.2~0.6mm 
Angle displacement:0°30′~1°30′ 


Max torque
Max speed
D D 1 d 1 L C n-M 重量
FCL90 4 4000 90 35.5 11 28 3 4-M8×50 1.7
FCL100 10 4000 100 40 11 35.5 3 4-M10×56 2.3
FCL112 16 4000 112 45 13 40 3 4-M10×56 2.8
FCL125 25 4000 125 50 13 45 3 4-M12×64 4.0
FCL140 50 4000 140 63 13 50 3 6-M12×64 5.4
FCL160 110 4000 160 80 15 56 3 8-M12×64 8.0
FCL180 157 3500 180 90 15 63 3 8-M12×64 10.5
FCL200 245 3200 200 100 21 71 4 8-M20×85 16.2
FCL224 392 2850 224 112 21 80 4 8-M20×85 21.3
FCL220 618 2550 250 125 25 90 4 8-M24×110 31.6
FCL280 980 2300 280 140 34 100 4 8-M24×116 44.0
FCL315 1568 2050 315 160 41 112 4 10-M24×116 57.7
FCL355 2450 1800 355 180 60 125 5 8-M30×50 89.5
FCL400 3920 1600 400 200 60 125 5 10-M30×150 113
FCL450 6174 1400 450 224 65 140 5 12-M30×150 145
FCL560 9800 1150 560 250 85 160 5 14-M30×150 229
FCL630 15680 1000 630 280 95 180 5 18-M30×150 296

唐山FCL柱销联轴器 山东FCL柱销联轴器 

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